However, as Celica points out, Kokonoe is a good person at heart. She also displays signs of being aware of the racism displayed to her heritage as a half-beastman believing that people will show prejudice against her, it’s for this reason that even her potential new students and apprentices aren’t aware of her species, as displayed by Litchi in BlazBlue: Chronophantasma. She has some traits of her father and her mother, even though she tends to be bitter at both of them deep down for them not being a part of her early life. She and Taokaka possess a few similar personality traits, something that most note as “more in common than they realize”, due to their impatient nature and short attention span. She is displayed and perceived as cranky and foul-mouthed most of the time. Kokonoe is a rather serious and cynical woman with no regard for emotions, and always strives for Tager to complete his missions without fail however, she can on rare occasions be quite personable, mostly around her creations. In terms of clothing, she wore a jacket similar to Taokaka’s except with the hood down, and with a black collar. When she was young, she had short hair and kept it in a pigtail, and wore the same yellow ribbon that she wears as an adult. In BlazBlue: Alter Memory during Episode 8, she also wears a white high-neck sports bra underneath her Kaka jacket after the oversized sleeves of her jacket got spilled with her own coffee.

The attire is completed with a pair of white mules with heels similar to the boots the Kaka tribe wears, but with no vamp, allowing her to take them off almost reflexively as her story mode render shows her barefoot in one of her feet. She wears a pair of red capri pants lowered enough to reveal black underwear, with a black belt adorned by a large cat bell. The oversized sleeves are cut at the sides to make it easier for her arms to slide in and out of them. She also wears a pair of small spectacles, and is never without her trademark lollipop. A hole at the lower base provides room for her twin, cat-like tails. Her attire consists of an altered, scientist version of the usual Kaka jacket with a white coloration. She has pink hair which she keeps tied in a specialized style consisting of a long ponytail backing up longer tufts resembling large cat ears, which tend to overshadow her actual animal-like ears, which fade into white at the tip, these ears are bent forward slightly.

Her eyes are a golden-amber with visible bags under them, due to working overtime in her lab. Kokonoe appears as a fairly young adult catgirl with a slim build.