The more strenuous sporting activity you do the worse it gets until you can’t do your sport. Pain with prolonged sitting seems to be all the rage among practitioners that diagnose Plica Syndrome. You likely were doing a lot of strenuous activity like squatting, bending, walking up/down stairs, but also sitting for long periods of time. Meaning, your history and exam are more important than X-rays or MRI. Even an MRI will have a difficult time showing plica unless there are inflammation and fibrosis. The problem is there are no specific tests or imaging such as X-ray to rule it out. It’s not the first thing that most practitioners think of. The problem with Plica syndrome is only considered by your chiropractor or physiotherapist only after treatment of patellofemoral pain has not worked. Symptoms can worsen progressively for only some of you.

Walking up or down stairs, squatting, kneeling or holding your knees bent for long periods will cause dull aching.They will often be doing a sport then all of a sudden get progressively worse. More common in female young adults and teenagers.Symptoms of Plica Syndrome Knee Pain From Plica Syndrome This can pinch the plica causing pain and inflammation.įor most athletes repeated bending of the knees with sports like running, rowing sports, gymnastics and team sports such as hockey and basketball can irritate the plica. When you bend your knee between 70-90 degrees that is when it pinches. Your plica often gets caught between your femur (thigh bone) and the knee cap (patella) or the femur and Quadriceps tendon. Plica syndrome can be due to injury or overuse. Plica Syndrome: Synovial Plica Syndrome | Exercises For Synovial Plica Syndrome SPS. According to researchers only 50% of us have a plica.įor those 50 % of you with a plica, they are found most often on the medial side of the knee cap. Plica is leftover knee tissue that didn’t reabsorb back into the body since you were a fetus in your mom’s belly. Plica Syndrome: Most often plica syndrome causes pain at the medial knee. The picture below shows the picture of the medial side of the knee that often hurts with Plica Syndrome. You get decreased bending of the knee with intermittent knee cap pain other times with medial knee pain. With Plica Syndrome, your knee cap is painful with clicking, clunking and popping with activities like squatting. (medial plica is closer to your body midline) Picture Reference #2. What is Plica Syndrome? Plica Syndrome: The Mediopatellar Plica Is The Most Common Plica. Knee cap pain or anterior knee pain that is presistent, despite your physiotherapist’s and chiropractor’s best efforts could be Plica Syndrome.